Monday, February 2, 2015


For the first time since I've started working at lululemon I have Sundays off, and I had completely forgotten how glorious it is. Yesterday with absolutely nothing on the agenda, and a husband that went in to work- I got to have breakfast with dear friends. The best kind of breakfast too, the kind where you are unapologetically still sporting bedhead in your pajamas,  (yet you've already had your first cup of coffee), and the pancakes were perfect silver dollars of deliciousness, and the bacon was just right. Oh man, to live in the same complex as your best friends is really something special. 

Post breakfast I was saying how badly I needed a hobby. I love my job, but sometimes I love it a little too much, and I just need somewhere else to focus my attention. Fortunately, I realized I do have a hobby, one that I can pick up and do anytime. So I switched stretchy pants, added another layer, slipped into my vans, fastened my helmet and out the door on my bike I went. 
It was glorious. Perfect temperature, a little crisp, but plenty of sunshine. I had no destination, but quickly found myself along the river where we had spent all summer- riding bikes, drinking beers, practicing handstands, shooting the breeze and belly laughing. I got off my bike and stared down at the same little sweet spot where we found Bobcat (a significantly smaller, but still as handsome Bob). I looked over my shoulder and saw the grounds where TBDfest took place. I remembered the Ferris wheel rides, the crazy good french fries, dancing to RAC, being in awe over the ballet dancers on stage. Just past that I saw the baseball stadium where we took our dads for Father's Day, also where we went for Lucas' birthday 5 years ago. So many good memories all within eyesight.
I continued on my bike, still no real plan and found myself cruising down riverside by the little place I got my tattoo, by the pizza place we celebrated Valentine's Day, and I rode through LandPark remembering all the runs I had taken through there when I lived above Beatnik. (Ha, that was before I knew about cycling).

 Eventually I found my way back home. At that point I fully intended on surprising Lucas with a pristine apartment. I had already mentally pulled out the rubber gloves, while I was pondering what I was going to have ready and waiting for dinner (not the most common occurrence here).
Well, I should have known better to make a plan, because I received the best text ever saying he was off work. Instead of cooking and cleaning, I ended up spending my afternoon/evening back on the bike. Riding all over town with another girl,  two boys, and a pup in a backpack, I couldn't have been happier.

 I still am yet to do a wheelie, or even a track stand, but I have got to be closer than I was before with all the practice I did. Did we end up having the super healthy and cheap homecooked meal that I wanted to make? Nope, not at all. We ate at a greasy/mouthwatering taqueria that happened to be open and it was heavenly. Today I will clean. Tonight I will cook. But from now on Sunday's will be reserved for the good stuff. 

This dorky smile is totally the good stuff for me: 

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