Monday, April 30, 2012


This past week has absolutely flown by. The highlight was going to see the Boss with my mom. Bruce was playing in San Jose, when I bought the tickets, I didn't think twice about driving there on a Tuesday night and driving us home after the show. ....However, as it got closer, I started thinking about how my driving record is not exactly stellar and I became a little nervous thinking about how many car accidents I have been in at night time alone... luckily my prince of a husband very gallantly offered to play chauffeur to Momo and me. That's right, Lucas drove us to San Jose and back (all the while having to listen to two grown women swooning over the man from Jersey). I sure love him, Lucas, I mean. :)
"Tramps like us baby we were born to run."

 Needless to say, the show was AMAZING (and I had barely a voice for the next few days). It was an unforgettable night with my mom.

Here's a link to the set list:

Even our shoes were matching! Can you tell that we are related?

1 comment:

  1. you're right, it was the best--the music, the ride, and the company.
    love you both,
    mo mo
