Friday, November 14, 2014

Back to business

This week has been hectic, and relatively exhausting. Going from 6 days hooked up to machines and flat on my back, to back to 8 hour days on my feet in the store was not nearly as easy as I anticipated (turns out, I fancy myself quite the Super Woman-- super powers I have not). Regardless, today is Friday, and I can't not say it, I am in love. 

This morning I woke up early to catch a ride with Luke to the coffee shop. I hung out and tasted coffee while he opened. I had planned on just walking from his work to my work, but he called his pops to give me a lift. Work was good. Tiring, but good. I love my team. I love our store. I love that I get to help train our new people. I get to share with them the magic of our "work".

Post 4:00, the day went from good to great. I got to spend 115 minutes on my yoga mat surrounded by people I really care about (one of whom being my Handsome Mr..... Rocking his purple painted toenails.... Love that guy). There is truly nothing that makes me happier than looking left, looking right, looking in front of me, seeing people I appreciate and knowing we are together in the same space at the same time. 

After yoga we walked home, made dinner, I took a bath, and he sat on the toilet (lid closed!), and just chatted with me while we listened to the new mix tape he's been working on. Meanwhile, Bobcat has been cruising around our tiny place stirring up trouble, or attempting to. This is it. This is the good stuff. At this moment, tears are in my eyes as my thumbs furiously type this out because I am happy. I feel it. I am filled with happiness. I don't know how long it's gonna last, but I have to recognize it while it's here.

During a meeting this week, my boss was sharing about a speaker he heard at the #leadinluon conference. The speaker was talking all about happiness. Through all these studies they found that people who are constantly in search of the next thing, focused on getting to that next place, moving as fast as they can to get to that place, actually get to that place and find themselves unhappy, UN satisfied, restless, and disappointed. I get it. I've been that person; I am trying desperately to stop being that person. I have always had my eye on the prize, I have been focused on my goals, getting there, attaining whatever it that is... And then I find myself needing to search for something new, because- big shock- once I get there, once I get IT, I am not always happy. I am too busy worrying about what comes next.

 Well right now, instead of focusing on wanting to be living in Vancouver NOW, wanting to be working for Ben Jackson NOW, wanting to be on our next big adventure with Lucas and his coffee truck NOW, I am content to be on the ride. I am content to sit on the couch, sip a glass of red wine in my pajamas. Right now, at the moment, life is good. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, (there is a possibility- I will spend part of my day thinking, perhaps worrying about if what I am doing at that moment will get me to where I want to go... ) but for right now, I am right where I need to be, and extremely grateful for all those who are with me along the way. 
Grey on grey. Not at all hot, but so comfortable, and so right now.

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