Monday, November 24, 2014

More than three years

We have been in the same tiny, "good enough" apartment for more than three years. When we first moved in October of 2011 the thought of month to month leasing appealed to us, and we figured even with the prime location, we'd be here three months tops... Just a quick move to save some money (ridiculously cheap rent), until we find something we liked better. With this short amount of time in mind, we didn't take much care in organizing. I did my usual- stuff it in a closet, boom, that's where it lives (not easy with wedding presents fresh from our July wedding), and Lucas didn't mind much at the time. We started out with my blue beach cruiser and his white fixed gear. The first things on the walls were our wedding photos. That was all we needed. It became our home. One bedroom with a combined living room/dining room/kitchen area was fine. We didn't have room for a Christmas tree (my only concern), but per usual Lucas surprised and delighted me with his craftiness by stringing lights, holly, and sentimental ornaments where he could to make it festive. It worked. It was perfect. Our place was small, but it was ours. The cheap rent was fantastic because it allowed us to save for a European vacation, a trip to Mexico, a trip to vancouver, on top of countless daycations and weekends along the coast. It was perfect... And then we started painting more, and riding more, and just doing more. All of a sudden our closet was stuffed with my coaching clothes, teaching clothes (yoga and kindergarten), various halloween costumes, half dozen sequined dresses, and about a million pairs of furry socks. And that was just my side... His side was also broken up by the various jobs he had- polos from the Sport's Center, his fair share of coaching shirts, snowboard clothes, office clothes, and cycling kits. Between the two of us- we still have more pairs of Van's and more spandex than is justifiable.

We have known a move was eminent. It was needed for us. We have outgrown this space. Where two bikes once lived in our living room, we now have 6. Oversized canvases lean against walls, spray paint cans spill out of a wine rack, and lord knows, my closet has now been taken over by this certain Canadian company that makes incredible stretchy clothes! Plus, we have aquired a three tiered carpeted tree, a litter box, and a carrier for our new furry companion, Bob.

It's time. We found a sweet spot that fulfilled both my needs- bathtub, place to have a beverage outside, and Lucas' needs as well- hard word floors, high ceilings. No laundry, no dishwasher, but space for us to create something new. Space for us to start a new chapter, and of course space for our bikes and Bob. Best of all, it is located in one of my favorite areas in Midtown- it faces our dearest friends, so we can look forward to even more game nights, family dinners, and play times outside. 

As much as I am tempted to dislike this ugly phase of paring down, giving away, packing up, I am enjoying the memories that are washing over me. I am reliving not just the holidays here, but the weeknight dinners, the million cups of coffee, the games played, the laughs had. Moving is work, but it's good work. It would be too easy to stay here, we're ready for change.  

This is our new back yard. Fitting that such a sweet and beautiful shot was taken over summer by our dear friend, Steph, who we'll get to share this space with.

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