Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sweet & Simple Saturday

After a frustrating Friday... (neuro offices should not leave voice mails requesting a call back and then not return the call back). I woke up feeling antsy and agitated. Worrying about the last 8 days of kindergarten... And all the non-important silly events that I still want to run perfectly that are coming up: a field trip to the pizza parlor, a field day picnic, splash party, not to mention the actually important tasks of report cards, cums, cleaning out my classroom-- led to a very frazzled Morgan. On top of that, husband is turning 30, and shocking-- I want it to be perfect... So I feel like I should be planning and preparing and crafting.

Instead- husband pulled me outta the cold ball I was curled up in and we headed out on our bikes for a beverage. Now we are sitting side by side @Insight Coffee Roasters in front of the window. He is absent mindlessly doodling and I'm learning how to be present. Right now, life is good. At this moment, all is right. As for everything else, It will work itself out. It always does.

Below: husband finding a canvas to draw on anywhere he looks.

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