Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bon Jour Ghent!

*** To note, all these posts have been typed with my thumbs on a very small screen. The purpose of this is essentially to keep the mom's, dad's and Grama's apprised of what's going on (momo doesnt have fb) and for us to have a place online to look and smile when it's all over. (so that's my warning for typos, or un-eloquent (if that's a phrase) wording).

It's come to my knowledge (actually I learned in high school and completely forgot), that half of Belgium is French speaking.  C'est une bonne surprise!  I wish I remembered more French, but I at least know the traveling basics- much more than the Thank you's I learned in Dutch and Danish. 

Anyhow, this blog app is acting up a bit (hence the larger font) and it's a good reminder for me to get off my phone and hang out with my handsome husband. :) --who is such a prince for putting up with my late night hacking coughing, taking me to the pharmacy, making sure I'm taking all my meds, and for navigating us EVERYWHERE, all the while making me chuckle like crazy! What can I say, I found myself a keeper, and I won't let him go for all the chocolate in Belgium. 

Nice way to wake up this morning:

1 comment:

  1. Next trip we go on, we're taking you two!
