Monday, July 9, 2012

Just like the tides

Up and down. Frustrating but consistent. Saturday morning I woke up not wanting to take class. I hadn't been getting any sleep all week and I was ready to throw in the towel, or just turn back over in bed when my friend Stace texted to say she was on her way to pick me up for class. Oddly enough, I was relieved and even excited that I had someone to keep me accountable (and pick me up!) I whipped up my pre workout drink that makes me feel like a million jittery bucks (foreshadowing) and packed a protein drink to have in between taking and teaching class. Turned out to be a great class. Not quite Wonder Woman, but I was definitely feeling determined and persistent.

After class I mentioned to Luke how I hadn't been sleeping well and he suggested maybe not taking the pre workout drink on Sunday. I considered it and thought I'd take a glance at the label..... Ughhhhhh.... Specifically in bold letters says DO NOT TAKE IF YOU HAVE EPILEPSY (among a long laundry list of other conditions). It's not like it's crack or anything it just has a fair amount of caffeine and other stimulants.... Basically my Kryptonite.

So Sunday was off to a rough start. Taking class without what I had thought was my miracle juice was miserable. I know I know, it wasn't just because I didn't take my stupid energy drink. But I totally wanted to blame it on that. I was cranky, sore, and overall I just felt deflated. I taught class right afterwards and usually teaching is my real medicine. It gives me at least 90 minutes where I can tune out my problems and focus on the people in front of me. By the time class is over, I am inspired, motivated, and energized by watching the students.

Sunday, not quite the case. I mean, yeah they are awesome and I had fun while teaching, but as soon as class ended the funk returned. I hated that I couldn't drive myself home, I hated that I was still tired, and I hated that there was advanced class after and I was too pooped to join. Poor Lucas came to pick me up and I couldn't have been crabbier. I felt like even the beautiful weather was out to get me because it taunted me with ideas of brunch. I ached to have a Sunday Funday filled with Bloody Mary's on a patio. Since that was not an option, I did the next best thing-- curled up in a ball on the couch and slept. ...for hours. (sorry, I know I am not sounding like a very good yogi, but it's the truth).

Luke finally rousted me and made me take a walk with him to get a "surprise". The surprise turned out to be a Popsicle from the Peace Market. And I must say, my man knows me well. A chilly sweet treat did it for me and my Sunday felt not so terrible after all. I lost the woe is me. I let go of my pity party, and I even found myself watching movies with the boys (Drew and Troy came over) and chuckling. Life it turns out is not so bad after all, I just need to get better at riding these waves.

Today has been a good day. Got a ride to work, and I felt that after teaching magic take hold of me. I walked the four miles home and actually enjoyed myself. I had my head phones, good tunes, comfy shoes, and I enjoyed all the cute houses to look at in East Sac.

I beat Luke home and had time to empty/load the dishwasher, tidy up, and make him lunch. (This is kind of a big deal because he tends to be the more domestic one- cooking and cleaning). But I whipped up some fresh apple, carrot, ginger juice and a pretty nummy spinach salad. His even had chicken on it which is huge for me.

Now he is back at work. I am about to return our movies and looking forward to taking yoga to tonight with my friend Stephanie.

Pictured: Kryptonite.
And happier times.

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